Dear Neighbors,
My first legislative session in the MS House of Representatives was an exhilarating and humbling experience. I prepared for session by meeting with folks throughout DeSoto County - local leaders, educators, law enforcement, small business owners, and 20th District DeSoto Countians. Yall provided me with valuable information that resulted in a productive legislative session for our Community and County.
I'm pleased to report success in three areas of importance to DeSoto County residents. A new funding formula was approved for our schools that will serve Mississippi well for years to come. Stronger laws to deter auto theft and retail theft were passed. I worked with other DeSoto legislators and obtained funding to widen parts of Interstate 55.
Improving our schools, fighting crime, and widening I-55 are three subjects I hear about frequently from constituents, but there is more to do to ensure the continued success of our community and our state. I want to develop new pathways to encourage our youth to become entrepreneurs and to stay in Mississippi. The military defense industry is important to Mississippi's economy, and I would like to encourage the growth of our military research and development sector. Finally, eliminating the state income tax and grocery tax will permit Mississippi to compete more successfully with other states to attract new businesses as well as help Mississippi families raise the future of our state.
I'm currently deployed on a short mission with the Army; however, I will be back soon. Before we reconvene in January, I will once again walk the neighborhoods and knock on your door to hear what is important to you. In the meantime, feel free to contact me anytime if I can be of service.